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7 VS Code Plugins for JavaScript, React and React Native

January 21, 2019

Standing desk

Code Spell Checker

This is one of my favorite plugins by far. I am a pretty bad speller and this plugin makes sure I don’t ship code with spelling errors.

JavaScript Snippet Pack

Honestly, pretty much the only snippet I use in this is the cl which expands to console.log 😅Super handy and useful. It also comes with way more snippets, so check it out.

Night Owl Theme

Night Owl by Sarah Drasner has been my go-to theme since she released it. I love the colors 🤓

Path Intellisense

Helps auto-complete file names. Saves time, and helps with not typing the wrong path.


If you aren’t using this, stop what you are doing and download this. Saves so much time! You can format on save, or use a shortcut every time you want to format your code.


It helps me know what the file type is with just a quick glance.

React Redux GraphQL and React Native Snippets

Love this one, helps me save a ton of time. My favorite is the rcc which is a snippet for a React component, but there are so many others that I use on a daily basis.

Bonus: Fira Code Font

I have yet to shell out the $50 or whatever for Dank Mono, but I have been using Fira Code for a long time and have really enjoyed it.


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